Monday, November 21, 2016


Handball passing drills
Handball passing drills

Today's handball drill is the passing drills and if the shooting drills are important and enhance accuracy  of the shots, handball passing drills are as important since most of the shots won't be me made and the attacks won't be complete if the team don't know how to pass in handball.

passing drills have one main goal reduce to the maximum the number of lost balls which will automatically give more chances to finish attacks and most importantly reduce highly the number of counter attacks made by the opposite team.

Holding the ball and passing it accurately often pushes the opposition to make mistakes that would open areas in their defense to shoot at target.

handball passing drills
handball passing drills

Handball passing drill 1: Two men’s pass

The repetition of various passes improves accuracy and coordination. The players have a ball in this exercise in pairs.

Two players face to face (at approx. 5 m distance), each with a ball. They perform the following passes:

A makes a pass on the ground at B, B plays at chest height.

Same, but change after each pass.

A and B play simultaneously with the hands (first ball) and with feet (second ball).

Same, but change hands with every pass.

A spear the ball before him in height; he receives the ball of B and reviving him, and then he catches the ball. 

Harder: with three balls. 

A and B throw their ball in the air and exchanging the third. A and B together juggle three balls.

 More difficult: receive balls with both hands and raise them to a hand (handball technique).

Handball passing drill 2: King's position

Balancing on a bench, a player tries to catch the ball launched by one of his teammates. Goal: improve the quality of guidance.

Six versus six (adjust to the size of the room). A point is scored when a player manages to make the pass to his King mounted on a bench returned, without losing balance. The one who makes the passé takes the position of the King.

More options : 

The ball played to the king has to touch the ground first.

With or without dribble to enhance dribbling drills.

More difficult : if the player who's got the ball is touched by an opponent he can't pass the ball to the king.

Handball passing drill 3: The head shot

Advised to be performed with a cotton ball or a softball

The success of a pass depends on not only the accuracy of the throw, but also of the strength dose. This exercise in duo focuses on this second aspect.

To score a point, the player makes a pass to a teammate that returns the ball with the head.
More difficult the player returns the ball to a third player

Handball passing drill 4: The hunt

These drills of pursuit is successful when the passes and receptions are fast. It especially seeks the peripheral vision and stimulates the cardiovascular system.

Play on two semi-fields. For two minutes, the team in possession of the ball tries to hit as many rabbits as possible. Rules: it doesn't work with the ball, stepped up to hit the opponent (do not release the ball). After two minutes, changing roles. Possibly final of the winners and losers to finish.

Making an accurate pass is the key to fast movement and to maintain the ball possession and eventually get closer to the opponent's goalkeeper.

Handball passing drills are especially important since passing is the core of this game any lost pass means a counter attack and probably a conceived goal while attacking.

To be able to translate the chances into goals accurate passes are the key and attacking drills do include passing drills as it does for the shooting drills.

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